9 Cheese Lasagna

These are the ingredients and directions for nine (9) cheese lasagna. Depending on your tastes, you can sub in and sub out cheeses, but a recommendation is to keep the same ratio of gooey/hard/pre-shredded. You can also easily sub out beef for ground turkey, vegetables, or another substitute.


  • Vegetables

    • White Onion - 1 large

    • Garlic - 1 head

  • Cheeses - 50 oz

    • Gooey Cheeses - 16 oz

      • Mascarpone - 4 oz

      • Ricotta - 6 oz

      • Cottage Cheese - 6 oz

    • Hard Cheeses - 9 oz

      • Provolone - 3 oz

      • Fontina - 3 oz

      • Asiago - 3 oz

    • Pre-Shredded Cheeses - 25 oz

      • Mozzarella - 16 oz

      • Feta - 3 oz

      • Parmesan - 6 oz

  • Pasta

    • Oven-Ready Lasagna - 9 oz box

  • Meat

    • Ground Beef - 1.75 lbs

  • Eggs

    • Eggs - 3 Large

  • Canned Goods

    • Tomato Sauce - 87 oz (3 -29 oz cans)

  • Spices

    • Dry Basil - 1 Tablespoon

    • Garlic Powder - 1 Tablespoon

    • Onion Powder - 1 Tablespoon

    • Oregano - 2 Tablespoons

    • Salt

    • Pepper

Cooking Instructions

  1. Sauce Preparation

    • In a pot (set the lid aside for later), add the following:

      • Tomato Sauce - 87 oz (3 -29 oz cans)

      • Dry Basil - 1 Tablespoon

      • Garlic Powder - 1 Tablespoon

      • Onion Powder - 1 Tablespoon

      • Oregano - 2 Tablespoons

      • White Onion - 30% of chopped one large

    • Stir

    • On Stovetop, set it to 50% heat

    • Add lid

    • Stir frequently, taste after 10 minutes, and add spices for taste

    • This can cook while preparing the rest of the lasagna.

    • Once the meat is browned, drain, add to this sauce

  2. Meat Preparation

    • In a pan (set the lid aside for later), add the following:

      • White Onion - 70% chopped one large

      • Ground Beef - 1.75 lbs

      • Salt

      • Pepper

    • On Stovetop, set it to 50% heat

    • Brown meat

    • Stir frequently

    • Once the meat is browned, drain, add to sauce

  3. Cheese Filling Preparation

    • Taste a small amount of each cheese to identify preferences. You can adjust the ratio of cheeses to your tastes.

    • In a large bowl, add the following:

      • Gooey Cheeses - 16 oz

        • Mascarpone - 4 oz

        • Ricotta - 6 oz

        • Cottage Cheese - 6 oz

      • Hard Cheeses - 9 oz (Shred before adding)

        • Provolone - 3 oz

        • Fontina - 3 oz

        • Asiago - 3 oz

      • Pre-Shredded Cheeses - 25 oz

        • Mozzarella - 16 oz (Set aside 8 oz for later)

        • Feta - 3 oz

        • Parmesan - 6 oz (Set aside 2 oz for later)

    • Incorporate/Combine in the large bowl

    • Taste a small spoonful, and add more specific cheeses to your taste. This is the ratio for my household.

    • Once the cheese filling is to your taste:

      • In a separate bowl, break three large eggs and take a fork to stir.

      • Add eggs to the cheese filling and incorporate.

    • Set cheese filling aside in the refrigerator for the lasagna assembly.

  4. Lasagna Assembly

    • Add a thin layer of meat sauce to the bottom of the baking dish.

    • Repeat these steps until the baking dish is 95% filled:

      • One layer of Oven-Ready Lasagna

      • A thin layer of cheese filling

      • A thin layer of meat sauce

    • Add the last layer of Oven-Ready Lasagna

    • Once the baking dish is 95% filled, top it with the 8 oz of Mozzarella and the 2 oz of Parmesan that was set aside earlier.

  5. Storage

    • An assembled lasagna can stay stored in the refrigerator for two days before cooking.

    • To store, place parchment paper over the baking dish. (Aluminum foil can make tomatoes react)

    • Place aluminum foil over the baking dish and parchment paper.

    • Place in the refrigerator.

  6. Cooking

    • Set oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit

    • Place the still-covered baking dish with layered lasagna in the oven

    • Cook till the center of the lasagna reaches 160 degrees Fahrenheit (will take more than 30 minutes probably, will vary)

    • Remove aluminum foil and parchment paper

    • Turn the broil setting on.

    • Watch until your preference of browning occurs on top (probably less than 2 minutes). Do not walk away, it will burn.

    • Remove from oven

    • Turn oven off

  7. Serving

    • Let it set for at least 15 minutes before serving after removing it from the oven.